We convince ourselves with our own actions. Well defining success as pleasure gets him to take action.
Making you happy becomes like a game to him. A game he enjoys. A game he wants to win.
So it's only natural that the more action he takes to make you happy, the more he inadvertently convinces himself that a long-term relationship with you is what he wants. Because at some deep-down level, he senses it would make you happy.
Meanwhile, the 1% rule is operating in the background. Each step feels small, yet it results in a stride that lengthens over time.
It's still only small changes the two of you work on to enhance your relationship. But each
small step builds on what was already established before.
Talk about chain reactions! This is the stuff of magic. It feels effortless, yet the results make it look like a lot of hard work must have taken place.
You become the envy of your friends. They wonder why you don't stress and strain to build
momentum the way they do.
They wonder why your guy seems to be designed for romantic intimacy while their guy seems to always be on the fence, hot or cold.
It all started with just a few small changes. But those changes set off a chain reaction that
builds relationship momentum.
Now what if I told you there is an even bigger way to tap into his natural instincts for taking
action to move toward you? And what if it was something so powerful it had the potential to
completely transform your relationship and break all the speed limits that usually hold relationships in check?
That's what I'd like to show you next. And here's the crazy part...
This one idea dwarfs all the others. It has the power to single handedly transform your
experience with men. And that's because it's like rocket fuel for your relationship.
So I took this one idea and turned it into an online video you can watch right now.
The effect on your relationship will be much stronger and much more immediate than you
would expect. So only use this last momentum booster if you actually want your relationship to make a sudden leap forward.
You're probably wondering what this is. And if you're an intelligent person, you might even be a bit skeptical of my claims. So let me explain what this is.
Visit our Free Presentation on His Secret Obsession
It's all about the signals that turn on one particular male obsession. An obsession so powerful, it has the ability to make or break your relationship.
It's a secret obsession all men share. And it's affecting your relationship right now, regardless of whether or not you recognize its effects.
Fortunately, it's something you can channel toward your relationship. You can sort of "plug-in" to this secret male obsession and use its energy to sustain a relationship forever.
And I mean that...forever.
Knowing about this one obsession all men feel gives you a special insight. An insight that
allows you to grow your relationship into something beautiful, stable, and incredibly intimate.
Would you like to know what that is?
Then click this link link to watch my free online presentation now.
I've always believed that the most powerful way to influence relationships is by tapping into the things people already care about.
But here's the tricky part. Humans are NOT very good at identifying what truly drives
them...what they actually crave most.
But once you discover what a person really wants-the thing they don't even know how to put
into words-you have the power to really hurt them or really make them happy.
Believe me, I've seen this in action.
Things are different for me now as a dating coach. Now when I look at relationships, it's easy for me to see why some succeed and others fail. It's like I'm wearing glasses that give me the ability to see things other people don't.
But it's time for me to share. I want you to be able to see what I see. So you can see what
drives him, what he cares about, and what he needs to thrive in a relationship with you.
It's finally time to tap into what he is already obsessed with. And channel that built-in desire
toward the relationship you share with him.
How? Well, that's what I teach.
Click on this link to see my video presentation. Discover a whole new world of possibility. And claim the happiness you deserve.