Don't Just Sit There! Make Him Fall In Love With You With The 1% Rule

Let's talk about the main goal. It's momentum. Forward momentum for your relationship.

You want it. And you want it now.

Believe me, I understand. That's what I want for you too. But I don't want you to break your
neck. And that's what happens when you go from 0 to 60 in an instant. Things break.

Now, I'm not about to bore you with a story about the tortoise and the hare. But I do want to
remind you of something you may have forgotten. A basic truth about life you learned in

People don't like to feel manipulated.

My mother used to push me to be more assertive and outgoing. I remember when she was a substitute teacher one day when I was in eighth grade.

She stopped by the cafeteria during lunch hour. And to my horror, she chastised me for sitting alone at a table by myself.

I was happily munching the sandwich from my brown paper sack, waiting for a friend to make it through the paid lunch line.

But to her, that was no excuse. "Why don't you join those kids over there? There's still room for your friend to join you."

Right. Like I was going to pick up my lunch and walk over to the table where my mother had
just pointed.

I might as well walk up and say, "Hey guys! Anyone want to be my friend?"
You can probably imagine my response. I dug in my heels. Tried to ignore her. Tried to fake a chuckle as if she had just referenced some sort of inside joke.

But no. She didn't give up that easily. She took my hesitation as a sign that I needed more
reasons, more cajoling.

What would've worked better? How do you get a teenage boy to come out of his shell?

She would have more success if she kept the end goal to herself. That way I wouldn't resist.

She should have invited me to take one tiny step at a time...and let me discover a new,
assertive identity on my own. In other words, she needed to start smaller.

That's the 1% rule in a nutshell. Start small. Try to improve something by just 1%.

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It sounds like so little. And because of that, these small changes barely feel like changes at

But if you're trying to get someone else to change, that's a good thing! Start small. Let
momentum build so it does the work for you.

Get someone to take action, and something strange happens. They observe their own actions and conclude it was a good way to go.

What I'm referring to here is a unique finding from the field of social psychology experiments.

Humans often look at their own actions to decide what they believe.

That sounds backwards, doesn't it? But it's a remarkable truth about how all people are wired.

For example, my mother could have made one small request. "Hey, while you wait for your
friend to come over, is there anyone in here you could introduce me to real quick? It would be fun to meet one of the people I hear you talking about at home."

If she can get me to take action, I start to see myself differently. I see myself as someone who introduces people, connects others, and roams the cafeteria to make social connections.

It's just one tiny step, but my own actions change how I perceive myself. It works the same
way in relationships.

Get him to take one small step. Something that would be very hard to object to. Like helping
you move a heavy box, or giving his opinion on a decision you're considering. Then just
improve on this foundation 1% at a time.

Momentum doesn't happen with a sudden burst of effort. It happens when you start small and build on that momentum as it picks up speed.

 - It is better to take many small steps in the right direction than to make a great leap forward
only to stumble backward."
 - Old Chineese Proverb

So we're talking about momentum as it applies to your romantic life. How do you use the 1%
rule to build momentum in your relationship right now?

Well, let me ask you. Can you imagine one tiny step? One tiny action you could invite him to
take? One action that someone would only do if they liked you or wanted to spend more time with you?

Start there. See what happens. Build momentum.

And here's why it's called the 1% rule. You can build momentum fast by improving your
relationship just 1% at a time.

It's a big shift away from the mindset most of my clients start with.

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 Trying to improve things by just 1% has all these benefits:
- It takes away the pressure. You can let go of the need to make him see you're the one for
him. That will happen automatically if you just improve 1% at a time.
- It sparks new ideas for improving things. Ideas that would never occur to you if you were
racking your brain for one super powerful thing you could do to instantly turn the relationship
- It lets you enjoy the journey. Instead of feeling like everything rides on your next
interaction with him, you enjoy what's fun and build on that.

It seems like so little. But that's deceiving. Tiny change often results in big results much faster than we would expect.

That's because of the power of compounding. You're not just adding one plus one as the days pass. Because 1% of no relationship is very little, but 1% of a relationship that has been growing for several months is actually quite a lot.

As the saying goes, "People overestimate what they can accomplish in a day, and
underestimate what they can accomplish in a year."

That's human nature. We underestimate the power of compounding.

But you can use this to your advantage. Because now you know the second secret of building momentum.

Get him to take action. Think small. Then think even smaller than that.

Transform his small actions into a pathway that leads him to you.

Quick Story

Now, if you're ready for secret #3, go ahead and skip down to that part now. But if you'd like
one example of the 1% rule in action, you'll find this story interesting.

A friend of mine used to work in a nursing home as a recreational director.

She told me the unfolding saga of two employees who worked there.

One was an assistant in her department, and the other was the head of the maintenance

The assistant had a huge crush on the maintenance guy.

But the only reason my friend knew about it was because the assistant bashfully asked if she would get in trouble for flirting with a fellow employee at work.

After that, they just seemed to become a couple.

My friend had to ask what happened because she never saw any indication of flirting.

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Here's what happened.

The assistant started by showing interest in his work. She started by asking about some of his work related routines.

She spaced out her expressions of interest, allowing him to warm up to her.

She would usually only approach him when he was working alone in the hallway, or as she
passed him outside the building on her way in.

She would only pause for thirty seconds or so, but she was consistent in demonstrating
interest each time she ran into him.

Then she made a move that allowed her to shift her flirting to another level.

After complimenting him about the breadth of his knowledge about maintenance related
issues, she asked if he would be horribly offended by the idea of giving her his phone number in case she ran into a problem he could advise her about outside of work.

Now she had an avenue that made "exclusive flirting" easy.

Do you know the difference between "broadcast" flirting and "exclusive" flirting?

Broadcast flirting is on display for everyone to see.

When a woman uses broadcast flirting, everyone around can see what she's up to.

For example, it's broadcast flirting when Debbie laughs at all of Daniel's jokes at the office
party and purposefully compliments him in front of others.

Exclusive flirting is different. Think of it like an exclusive club. There are only two people in
the club, and the two people share something exclusive.

You may think of yourself as someone who would never use flirting as an attraction tool,
maybe because of the potential for embarrassment or a distaste for acting like someone you're not.

But that's because you think of all flirting as broadcast flirting.

Broadcast flirting dominates our perception of flirting because it's what we see most often.

Exclusive flirting is different. It happens behind the scenes.

It's far more subtle, and in my opinion more effective.

Back to our story...

He was a few years older than her, and texting was not something he had gotten used to.

She got him used to it.

He came to enjoy her text-based friendship and eventually asked her out.

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So what was the 1% improvement?

It was creating an avenue for exclusive flirting. In this case, it was finding a way to interact

That's one of my preferred strategies for early stage relationships. Focus on finding an avenue that makes exclusive flirting easier.

It's a 1% improvement that can build momentum fast.